Oregon 市外局番: 541

提供: Chahaoba

Note:541 市外局番は Oregon, アメリカ合衆国. 国際番号は 001541 or 001-541、0010541、+1-541、+1+541、+1541、00-1-541、00 1 541.

More About Area Code 541

Area Code 541 was first put in service November 5, 1995. In 2010, area code 458 was created as an overlay to area code 541. Currently, the largest city it serves is Eugene, OR, and it overlaps coverage areas with area code 458.

Active Phone Number Prefixes

Prefix Usage Primary City Carrier
(541) 200- Landline Gold Hill Hunter Construction DBA Hunter Comms
(541) 201- Landline Ashland Qwest Corporation
(541) 202- Landline Myrtle Creek Origin Newtorks
(541) 203- Landline Milton Freewater Level 3 Communications
(541) 204- Landline Heppner Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 205- Landline Klamath Falls Level 3 Communications
(541) 206- Landline Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 207- Landline Corvallis Level 3 Communications
(541) 209- Landline Jefferson Broadvox-clec
(541) 210- Wireless Medford Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 212- Wireless Ontario Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 213- Wireless Bend New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 214- Landline Eugene Broadvox-clec
(541) 215- Wireless Pendleton Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 216- Wireless Ontario United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 217- Wireless Coos Bay Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 218- Wireless Grants Pass New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 219- Wireless Lakeview Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 220- Wireless Albany Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 221- Wireless Eugene T-mobile Usa
(541) 222- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 223- Landline Albany Teleport Communications America
(541) 224- Landline Corvallis Teleport Communications America
(541) 225- Landline Eugene Teleport Communications America
(541) 226- Landline Grants Pass Teleport Communications America
(541) 227- Landline Medford Teleport Communications America
(541) 228- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 229- Landline Roseburg Wantel
(541) 230- Wireless Corvallis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 231- Wireless Corvallis Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 232- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 233- Landline Prineville Level 3 Communications
(541) 234- Landline Eugene Integra Telecom Of Oregon
(541) 235- Wireless Ontario Farmers Mutual Telephone Company
(541) 236- Landline Roseburg Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 237- Landline Grants Pass Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 238- Landline Klamath Falls Level 3 Communications
(541) 239- Landline Brookings Level 3 Communications
(541) 240- Wireless Pendleton United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 241- Landline Bend Electric Lightwave DBA Integra Telecom
(541) 242- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 243- Landline Corvallis Level 3 Communications
(541) 244- Landline Grants Pass Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 245- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 246- Landline Eugene Electric Lightwave DBA Integra Telecom
(541) 247- Landline Gold Beach Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 248- Landline Albany Level 3 Communications
(541) 249- Landline Baker Level 3 Communications
(541) 250- Wireless Corvallis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 251- Wireless Brookings United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 252- Landline Coos Bay Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 253- Wireless Port Orford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 254- Wireless Brookings Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 255- Landline Eugene Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 256- Wireless Heppner United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 257- Landline Corvallis Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 258- Landline Lebanon Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 259- Landline Lebanon Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 260- Wireless Coos Bay United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 261- Wireless Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 262- Landline Ontario Qwest Corporation
(541) 263- Wireless Enterprise Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 264- Wireless Newport T-mobile Usa
(541) 265- Landline Newport Qwest Corporation
(541) 266- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 267- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 268- Landline Mapleton Qwest Corporation
(541) 269- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 270- Wireless Newport New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 271- Landline Reedsport Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 272- Wireless Newport New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 273- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 274- Wireless Klamath Falls Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 275- Landline Umatilla Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 276- Landline Pendleton Qwest Corporation
(541) 277- Landline Juntura Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 278- Landline Pendleton Qwest Corporation
(541) 279- Wireless Madras Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 280- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 281- Wireless Klamath Falls United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 282- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 283- Landline Newport Level 3 Communications
(541) 284- Landline Eugene Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 285- Landline Eugene AT&T Local
(541) 286- Landline Corvallis AT&T Local
(541) 287- Wireless Cave Junction New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 288- Wireless The Dalles Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 289- Landline Hermiston Eastern Oregon Telecom
(541) 290- Wireless Coos Bay United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 291- Wireless Grants Pass Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 292- Wireless Medford T-mobile Usa
(541) 293- Landline Nyssa Level 3 Communications
(541) 294- Wireless Coos Bay Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 295- Wireless Grants Pass T-mobile Usa
(541) 296- Landline The Dalles United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 297- Wireless Coos Bay New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 298- Landline The Dalles United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 299- Landline Rogue River Onvoy
(541) 300- Wireless The Dalles T-mobile Usa
(541) 301- Wireless Medford Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 302- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 303- Landline Coos Bay Level 3 Communications
(541) 304- Landline Reedsport Level 3 Communications
(541) 305- Landline Florence Level 3 Communications
(541) 306- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 307- Landline Philomath Comcast Phone Of Oregon
(541) 308- Landline Hood River United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 309- Wireless Bend Usa Mobility Wireless
(541) 310- Wireless Pendleton Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 312- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 313- Landline Oakridge Eltopia Communications
(541) 314- Wireless Hermiston Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 315- Wireless Oakland Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 316- Landline Redmond Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 317- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 318- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 319- Landline Reedsport Wantel
(541) 320- Landline Sumpter Level 3 Communications
(541) 321- Wireless Junction City Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 322- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 323- Landline Bend Bendtel
(541) 324- Wireless Medford Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 325- Landline Madras Qwest Corporation
(541) 326- Landline Medford Level 3 Communications
(541) 327- Landline Jefferson Qwest Corporation
(541) 328- Landline Maupin Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 329- Landline Bandon Wantel
(541) 330- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 331- Wireless Klamath Falls Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 332- Landline Port Orford Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 333- Landline Grass Valley United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 334- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 335- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 336- Landline Toledo Qwest Corporation
(541) 337- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 338- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 339- Landline Adrian Oregon - Idaho Utilities
(541) 340- Wireless The Dalles Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 341- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 342- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 343- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 344- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 345- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 346- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 347- Landline Bandon Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 348- Landline Langlois Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 349- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 350- Wireless Bend T-mobile Usa
(541) 351- Landline Newport Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 352- Landline Parkdale United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 353- Landline Beatty Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 354- Landline Hood River United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 355- Landline Bend Bendtel
(541) 356- Landline Chiloquin Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 357- Landline Eugene Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 358- Landline Harper Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 359- Landline Eugene Level 3 Communications
(541) 360- Landline Corvallis Next Gen Phone Systems
(541) 361- Wireless Reedsport United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 362- Landline Prineville Level 3 Communications
(541) 363- Landline Klamath Falls Teleport Communications America
(541) 364- Landline Lincoln City Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 365- Landline Chemult Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 366- Landline Port Orford Level 3 Communications
(541) 367- Landline Sweet Home Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 368- Landline Corvallis Level 3 Communications
(541) 369- Landline Halsey Roome Telecommunications
(541) 370- Landline The Dalles Axxis Communications
(541) 371- Wireless Hermiston Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 372- Landline Nyssa Qwest Corporation
(541) 373- Wireless Gold Beach Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 374- Landline Cascade Locks United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 375- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 376- Landline Echo Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 377- Wireless Pendleton United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 378- Landline Roseburg Teleport Communications America
(541) 379- Wireless Pendleton United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 380- Wireless Hood River T-mobile Usa
(541) 381- Landline Chiloquin Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 382- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 383- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 384- Landline Condon Home Telephone Co. Or
(541) 385- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 386- Landline Hood River United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 387- Landline Hood River United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 388- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 389- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 390- Wireless Bend Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 391- Wireless Roseburg Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 392- Landline Cascade Locks Level 3 Communications
(541) 393- Landline Eugene Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 394- Landline Grass Valley Level 3 Communications
(541) 395- Landline Tygh Valley Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 396- Landline Coquille Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 397- Landline The Dalles Level 3 Communications
(541) 398- Wireless Enterprise United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 399- Landline Hood River New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 400- Wireless Hood River Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 401- Wireless Lebanon Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 402- Landline Parkdale Level 3 Communications
(541) 403- Wireless Baker United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 404- Wireless Coos Bay New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 405- Landline Lebanon Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 406- Landline Baker Priorityone Telecommunications
(541) 407- Landline Lakeview Zayo Group
(541) 408- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 409- Wireless Lebanon New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 410- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 412- Landline Brookings Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 413- Wireless Burns United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 414- Landline Medford Hunter Construction DBA Hunter Comms
(541) 415- Wireless Cave Junction United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 416- Landline Prineville Qwest Corporation
(541) 417- Wireless Lakeview United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 418- Landline Lincoln City Level 3 Communications
(541) 419- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 420- Wireless Bend United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 421- Landline Long Creek Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 422- Landline Ione Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 423- Landline Central Point Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 424- Landline Monroe Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 425- Wireless Gold Beach United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 426- Landline Enterprise Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 427- Landline Pilot Rock Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 428- Landline Pendleton Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 429- Wireless Pendleton New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 430- Wireless Roseburg United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 431- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 432- Landline Joseph Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 433- Landline Gilchrist Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 434- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 435- Landline Coos Bay Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC
(541) 436- Landline Hood River Axxis Communications
(541) 437- Landline Elgin Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 438- Landline Philomath Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 439- Landline Powers Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 440- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 441- Wireless Grants Pass Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 442- Landline Wasco United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 443- Landline Pendleton Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 444- Landline Siletz Qwest Corporation
(541) 445- Landline Camas Valley Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 446- Landline Unity Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 447- Landline Prineville Qwest Corporation
(541) 448- Landline Bates Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 449- Landline Stanfield Qwest Corporation
(541) 450- Wireless Grants Pass Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 451- Landline Lebanon Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 452- Landline Corvallis Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 453- Landline Philomath Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 454- Landline Arlington United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 455- Landline Mikkalo Axxis Communications
(541) 456- Landline Philomath Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 457- Landline Helix Helix Telephone Co.
(541) 459- Landline Oakland Qwest Corporation
(541) 460- Wireless Madras Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 461- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 462- Landline Mitchell Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 463- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 464- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 465- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 466- Landline Brownsville Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 467- Landline Dufur North - State Telephone Co
(541) 468- Landline Spray Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 469- Landline Brookings Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 470- Landline Huntington Zayo Group
(541) 471- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 472- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 473- Landline Vale Qwest Corporation
(541) 474- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 475- Landline Madras Qwest Corporation
(541) 476- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 477- Landline Paulina Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 478- Landline Mosier United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 479- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 480- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 481- Landline Boardman Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 482- Landline Ashland Qwest Corporation
(541) 483- Landline Tygh Valley Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 484- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 485- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 486- Landline Alsea Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 487- Landline Alsea Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 488- Landline Ashland Qwest Corporation
(541) 489- Landline Antelope Trans - Cascades Telephone Co.
(541) 490- Wireless Hood River New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 491- Landline Shedd Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 492- Landline Roseburg Origin Newtorks
(541) 493- Landline Princeton Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 494- Landline Medford Origin Newtorks
(541) 495- Landline Fields Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 496- Landline Glide Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 497- Landline Albany Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 498- Landline Idleyld Park Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 499- Landline Medford Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 500- Landline Medford Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 501- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 502- Landline Gold Hill Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 504- Landline Redmond Qwest Corporation
(541) 505- Landline Eugene Electric Lightwave DBA Integra Telecom
(541) 506- Landline The Dalles United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 507- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 508- Landline Bend Ymax Communications Corp.
(541) 510- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 512- Landline Phoenix Qwest Corporation
(541) 513- Wireless Eugene T-mobile Usa
(541) 514- Wireless Eugene T-mobile Usa
(541) 515- Wireless Eugene T-mobile Usa
(541) 516- Landline Redmond Qwest Corporation
(541) 517- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 518- Wireless Baker Eagle Telephone System
(541) 519- Wireless Baker Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 520- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 521- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 522- Landline Fields Humboldt Telephone Company
(541) 523- Landline Baker Qwest Corporation
(541) 524- Landline Baker Qwest Corporation
(541) 525- Landline Eugene Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 526- Landline Redmond Qwest Corporation
(541) 528- Landline Waldport Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 530- Wireless Roseburg Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 531- Landline Ashland United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 532- Landline Pilot Rock Zayo Group
(541) 533- Landline Sprague River Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 534- Landline Imbler Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 535- Landline Phoenix Qwest Corporation
(541) 536- Landline La Pine Qwest Corporation
(541) 537- Wireless Roseburg New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 538- Wireless White City Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 539- Wireless Klamath Falls New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 540- Wireless Richland Eagle Telephone System
(541) 542- Landline Canyon City Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 543- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 544- Landline Wamic Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 545- Landline Bonanza Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 546- Landline Culver Qwest Corporation
(541) 547- Landline Yachats Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 548- Landline Redmond Qwest Corporation
(541) 549- Landline Sisters Qwest Corporation
(541) 550- Wireless Bend Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 551- Wireless Bandon Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 552- Landline Ashland Qwest Corporation
(541) 553- Landline Madras Qwest Corporation
(541) 554- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 556- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 557- Landline Lincoln City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 558- Landline Milton Freewater Qwest Corporation
(541) 559- Landline Myrtle Point Wantel
(541) 560- Landline Prospect United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 561- Wireless Hermiston Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 562- Landline Union Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 563- Landline Waldport Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 564- Landline Hermiston Qwest Corporation
(541) 565- Landline Moro United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 566- Landline Athena Qwest Corporation
(541) 567- Landline Hermiston Qwest Corporation
(541) 568- Landline Cove Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 569- Landline Lostine Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 570- Wireless Lebanon Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 571- Wireless Myrtle Point United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 572- Landline Myrtle Point Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 573- Landline Burns Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 574- Landline Newport Qwest Corporation
(541) 575- Landline John Day Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 576- Landline Silver Lake Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 577- Landline Joseph Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 578- Wireless Mosier T-mobile Usa
(541) 579- Wireless Eugene T-mobile Usa
(541) 580- Wireless Roseburg New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 582- Landline Rogue River Qwest Corporation
(541) 584- Landline Elkton Cascade Utilities
(541) 585- Landline Bend Origin Newtorks
(541) 586- Landline Jordan Valley Oregon - Idaho Utilities
(541) 587- Landline Scottsburg Cascade Utilities
(541) 588- Landline Sisters Qwest Corporation
(541) 589- Wireless Burns Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 590- Wireless Florence Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 591- Wireless Klamath Falls Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 592- Landline Cave Junction Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 593- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 594- Landline Prospect United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 595- Landline Camp Sherman Qwest Corporation
(541) 596- Landline O Brien Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 597- Landline Selma Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 598- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 599- Landline Elkton Cascade Utilities
(541) 600- Wireless Eugene 365 Wireless
(541) 601- Wireless Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 602- Wireless Corvallis New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 603- Landline Eugene Ymax Communications Corp.
(541) 604- Wireless Redmond Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 605- Landline Reedsport Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 606- Wireless Eugene Cricket Communications
(541) 607- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 608- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 609- Wireless Philomath Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 610- Landline Bend Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 612- Landline Pendleton Level 3 Communications
(541) 613- Wireless Medford Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 614- Landline Lincoln City Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 615- Landline Madras Warm Springs Telecommunications Company
(541) 616- Landline Boardman Eastern Oregon Telecom
(541) 617- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 618- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 619- Wireless Albany Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 620- Wireless John Day Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 621- Wireless Medford United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 622- Landline Medford Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 623- Landline Cottage Grove AT&T Local
(541) 624- Landline La Grande Priorityone Telecommunications
(541) 626- Landline Umatilla Level 3 Communications
(541) 627- Landline Mitchell Zayo Group
(541) 628- Landline John Day Zayo Group
(541) 629- Landline Culver Pine Telephone System
(541) 630- Wireless Central Point Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 631- Landline Ashland Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 632- Landline Eugene Eltopia Communications
(541) 633- Landline Bend Qwest Corporation
(541) 634- Landline Fossil Zayo Group
(541) 635- Landline Toledo Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 636- Landline Eugene Radix Networks LLC
(541) 637- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 638- Landline Camp Sherman Bandwidth.com Clec
(541) 639- Wireless Bend New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 641- Landline Yoncalla Zayo Group
(541) 643- Wireless Roseburg United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 644- Landline Harrisburg Eltopia Communications
(541) 645- Wireless Hood River Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 646- Landline Medford Integra Telecom Of Oregon
(541) 647- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 648- Landline Siletz Level 3 Communications
(541) 649- Landline Cottage Grove Teleport Communications America
(541) 651- Landline Fossil Zayo Group
(541) 652- Landline Beatty Zayo Group
(541) 653- Wireless Eugene Cricket Communications
(541) 654- Landline Eugene Comcast Phone Of Oregon
(541) 655- Wireless Langlois Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 656- Wireless Hermiston T-mobile Usa
(541) 658- Landline Creswell Zayo Group
(541) 659- Wireless Grants Pass United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 660- Wireless Grants Pass United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 661- Wireless Brookings New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 662- Wireless Reedsport New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 663- Landline La Grande Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 664- Landline Central Point Qwest Corporation
(541) 665- Landline Central Point Qwest Corporation
(541) 667- Landline Hermiston Qwest Corporation
(541) 669- Landline Lincoln City Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 670- Wireless Roseburg Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 671- Wireless Roseburg Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 672- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 673- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 676- Landline Heppner Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 677- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 678- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 679- Landline Winston Qwest Corporation
(541) 680- Wireless Roseburg Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 681- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 682- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 683- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 684- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 685- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 686- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 687- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 688- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 689- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 690- Landline Medford Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 691- Landline Canyonville Origin Newtorks
(541) 692- Landline Malin Zayo Group
(541) 693- Landline Bend Teleport Communications America
(541) 694- Landline Crescent Zayo Group
(541) 695- Landline Wamic Zayo Group
(541) 696- Landline Camas Valley Zayo Group
(541) 697- Wireless Huntington Onvoy
(541) 698- Wireless Gold Beach New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 699- Wireless Redmond New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 701- Landline Hermiston Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 702- Landline Medford Pac - West Telecomm
(541) 703- Landline Pilot Rock Zayo Group
(541) 704- Landline Albany Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 705- Landline The Dalles Level 3 Communications
(541) 706- Wireless Bend Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 707- Wireless Reedsport Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 708- Landline Ashland Zayo Group
(541) 709- Wireless Ontario Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 710- Wireless Eugene Usa Mobility Wireless
(541) 712- Landline Bonanza Zayo Group
(541) 713- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 714- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 715- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 716- Landline Hood River Level 3 Communications
(541) 717- Wireless Eugene Usa Mobility Wireless
(541) 718- Wireless Eugene Usa Mobility Wireless
(541) 719- Landline Sisters Level 3 Communications
(541) 720- Wireless Hermiston Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 721- Landline Monument Zayo Group
(541) 722- Landline Fields Zayo Group
(541) 723- Landline Malin Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 724- Landline Adrian Oregon - Idaho Utilities
(541) 725- Landline Mapleton Level 3 Communications
(541) 726- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 727- Landline Central Point Level 3 Communications
(541) 728- Landline Bend Level 3 Communications
(541) 729- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 730- Wireless Albany Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 731- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 732- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 733- Wireless Roseburg United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 734- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 735- Landline Eugene Electric Lightwave DBA Integra Telecom
(541) 736- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 737- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 738- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 739- Landline Wasco United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 740- Wireless Corvallis New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 741- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 742- Landline Halfway Pine Telephone System
(541) 743- Landline Eugene Integra Telecom Of Oregon
(541) 744- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 745- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 746- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 747- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 748- Landline Paulina Zayo Group
(541) 749- Landline Bend Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 750- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 751- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 752- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 753- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 754- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 755- Landline Sumpter Pine Telephone System
(541) 756- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 757- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 758- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 759- Landline Lakeside Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 760- Wireless Corvallis Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 761- Wireless Grants Pass United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 762- Landline Eugene Origin Newtorks
(541) 763- Landline Fossil Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 764- Landline Depoe Bay Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 765- Landline Depoe Bay Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 766- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 767- Landline Cottage Grove Qwest Corporation
(541) 768- Landline Corvallis Qwest Corporation
(541) 769- Landline The Dalles Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 770- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 771- Wireless Bend United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 772- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 773- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 774- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 776- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 777- Wireless Madras T-mobile Usa
(541) 778- Landline Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 779- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 781- Landline Diamond Zayo Group
(541) 782- Landline Oakridge Qwest Corporation
(541) 783- Landline Chiloquin Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 784- Landline Winston Qwest Corporation
(541) 785- Landline Oxbow Pine Telephone System
(541) 786- Wireless La Grande Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 787- Wireless Grants Pass United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 788- Wireless Bend T-mobile Usa
(541) 789- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 790- Landline Eugene Neutral Tandem-oregon
(541) 791- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 792- Wireless John Day United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 793- Landline Chemult United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 794- Landline N Powder Zayo Group
(541) 795- Landline Heppner Zayo Group
(541) 796- Landline Huntington Zayo Group
(541) 798- Landline Merrill Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 802- Landline Oakland Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 803- Landline Culver Zayo Group
(541) 804- Landline Drain Zayo Group
(541) 805- Wireless La Grande Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 806- Wireless Hood River United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 808- Landline Coos Bay Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 809- Unknown Broadvox-clec
(541) 810- Wireless Klamath Falls United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 812- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 813- Wireless Brookings Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 814- Wireless Medford Usa Mobility Wireless
(541) 815- Wireless Bend United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 816- Wireless Medford Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 817- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 818- Landline Sweet Home Comcast Phone Of Oregon
(541) 820- Landline Prairie City Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 821- Wireless Medford United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 822- Landline Blue River Qwest Corporation
(541) 823- Landline Ontario Qwest Corporation
(541) 824- Landline Coquille Wantel
(541) 825- Landline Days Creek Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 826- Landline White City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 827- Landline Chiloquin Zayo Group
(541) 828- Landline Wallowa Asotin Telephone Co.
(541) 829- Wireless Corvallis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 830- Landline White City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 831- Landline White City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 832- Landline Glendale Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 833- Landline Veneta Zayo Group
(541) 834- Landline Pine Grove Zayo Group
(541) 835- Landline Chiloquin Zayo Group
(541) 836- Landline Drain Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 837- Landline Azalea Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 839- Landline Canyonville Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 840- Wireless Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 842- Landline Medford Advanced Telcom Group
(541) 843- Landline Jacksonville Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC
(541) 844- Landline Eugene Zayo Group
(541) 845- Landline Merrill Zayo Group
(541) 846- Landline Williams Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 847- Landline Monroe Monroe Telephone Co.
(541) 848- Wireless Bend Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 849- Landline Yoncalla Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 850- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 851- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 852- Wireless Eugene Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 853- Landline North Powder Cascade Utilities
(541) 854- Landline Blue River Zayo Group
(541) 855- Landline Gold Hill Qwest Corporation
(541) 856- Landline Haines Cascade Utilities
(541) 857- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 858- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 859- Landline Chiloquin Zayo Group
(541) 860- Landline Myrtle Creek Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 861- Wireless Milton Freewater Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 862- Landline Grants Pass Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 863- Landline Myrtle Creek Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 864- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 865- Landline Butte Falls United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 866- Landline Wolf Creek Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 867- Landline South Beach Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 868- Landline Eugene Integra Telecom Of Oregon
(541) 869- Landline Huntington Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 870- Wireless Eugene Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 871- Landline Sprague River Zayo Group
(541) 872- Landline Glide Zayo Group
(541) 873- Landline Seneca Zayo Group
(541) 874- Landline Riddle Citizens Telecomm Co Of Or DBA Frontier Comm Of Or
(541) 875- Landline Eddyville Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 876- Landline La Pine Zayo Group
(541) 877- Landline Richland Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 878- Landline Shady Cove United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 879- Landline White City Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 880- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 881- Landline Ontario Qwest Corporation
(541) 882- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 883- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 884- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 885- Landline Klamath Falls Qwest Corporation
(541) 886- Landline Wallowa Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 887- Landline Klamath Falls Cal-ore Communications
(541) 888- Landline Coos Bay Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 889- Landline Ontario Qwest Corporation
(541) 890- Wireless Medford United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 891- Wireless Klamath Falls Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 892- Wireless Klamath Falls United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 893- Landline Richland Eagle Telephone System
(541) 894- Landline Sumpter Qwest Corporation
(541) 895- Landline Creswell Centurytel Of Oregon
(541) 896- Landline Leaburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 897- Landline Phoenix Charter Fiberlink Or-ccvii
(541) 898- Landline N Powder Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 899- Landline Medford Qwest Corporation
(541) 901- Landline Florence Centurylink Communications LLC
(541) 902- Landline Florence Qwest Corporation
(541) 903- Wireless Prineville Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 904- Landline Sisters Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC
(541) 905- Wireless Albany T-mobile Usa
(541) 906- Landline Paisley Zayo Group
(541) 907- Landline La Pine Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC
(541) 908- Wireless Corvallis T-mobile Usa
(541) 909- Landline Idleyld Park Zayo Group
(541) 910- Wireless La Grande United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 912- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 913- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 914- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 915- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 917- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 918- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 919- Landline Athena Centurylink Communications LLC
(541) 920- Landline Vale Mci Worldcom Communications
(541) 921- Wireless Lincoln City Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 922- Landline Umatilla Qwest Corporation
(541) 923- Landline Redmond Qwest Corporation
(541) 924- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 925- Landline Blachly Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 926- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 927- Landline Triangle Lake Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 928- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 929- Landline Philomath Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 931- Landline Crescent Zayo Group
(541) 932- Landline Mt Vernon Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 933- Landline Marcola Qwest Corporation
(541) 934- Landline Monument Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 935- Landline Veneta Qwest Corporation
(541) 936- Wireless Albany Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 937- Landline Lowell Qwest Corporation
(541) 938- Landline Milton Freewater Qwest Corporation
(541) 939- Landline Long Creek Zayo Group
(541) 940- Landline Lexington Zayo Group
(541) 941- Wireless Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 942- Landline Cottage Grove Qwest Corporation
(541) 943- Landline Paisley Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 944- Wireless Medford New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 945- Landline Boardman Zayo Group
(541) 946- Landline Culp Creek Qwest Corporation
(541) 947- Landline Lakeview Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 948- Wireless Bend Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 949- Landline Keno United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 951- Wireless Medford United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 952- Landline Junction City Qwest Corporation
(541) 953- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 954- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 955- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 956- Landline Grants Pass Qwest Corporation
(541) 957- Landline Roseburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 960- Landline Elgin Zayo Group
(541) 961- Wireless Newport Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 962- Landline La Grande Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 963- Landline La Grande Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 964- Landline Triangle Lake Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
(541) 965- Wireless The Dalles New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 966- Landline Pendleton Qwest Corporation
(541) 967- Landline Albany Qwest Corporation
(541) 968- Wireless Eugene New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 969- Wireless Pendleton Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 970- Wireless Pendleton United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 971- Wireless Albany New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 972- Landline Eugene Onvoy
(541) 973- Wireless Medford United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 974- Wireless Albany New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 975- Landline La Grande Frontier Communications Northwest
(541) 977- Wireless Bend United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 978- Wireless The Dalles United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 979- Wireless Albany New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 980- Wireless The Dalles New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 981- Wireless Albany Sprint Spectrum L.p.
(541) 982- Wireless Coos Bay United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 983- Landline Adams Helix Telephone Co.
(541) 984- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 985- Landline Tygh Valley Zayo Group
(541) 987- Landline Dayville Oregon Telephone Corp.
(541) 988- Landline Eugene Qwest Corporation
(541) 989- Landline Lexington Centurytel Of Oregon DBA Centurylink
(541) 990- Wireless Albany Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
(541) 991- Wireless Florence New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 992- Wireless Lincoln City New Cingular Wireless PCS
(541) 993- Landline The Dalles United States Cellular Corp. - Oregon
(541) 994- Landline Lincoln City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 995- Landline Harrisburg Qwest Corporation
(541) 996- Landline Lincoln City United Telephone-northwest-or DBA Centurylink
(541) 997- Landline Florence Qwest Corporation
(541) 998- Landline Junction City Qwest Corporation
(541) 999- Wireless Florence Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless

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